A pill difficult to swallow?
28.2.2025: The craziness of the Noahide Laws continues but most people are ignorant of them. It's why beliefs and ideas matter because they find their way into policies and action. Paradoxically the zionist state of israel treats its own orthodox jews badly, and although generally supportive, American jews - particularly younger ones - have become increasingly critical of netanyahu's racist policicies. However both christians and jews follow a messianic tradition that has fuelled the extremist aims of the mistreatment and expulsion of non-jews and the rebuilding of the temple and a 'greater israel'. The aims are territorial and hegmonic, not spiritual or humanitarian. Here lies the difference although it is hard to perceive. Jesus said, "Give unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and unto God the things that are God's." Some jews follow it but most appear completely indifferent to the principle.
For some reason, America is under the control of Zionist Jewry with the passive and active agreement of the right-wing caucus. And if America is so inclined, the West naturally follows. It pretends to be theological and philisophical when actually it's financial and hegemonic. The Constitution and principles of equality and accountability, have become secondary to power and wealth in a few hands. Money talks and increasingly the language is Hebrew. Recent developments have made it ever more urgent for Europe to assert its independence of both America and International Jewry - to have its own independent foreign policy that reasserts its Christian and democratic heritage. It doesn't have to agree with Russia, but it needs to talk to it. Cutting off the gas is like shooting oneself in the foot. Supporting an aggressive anti-Russian Ukraine likewise. The Americans got us into the mess in Palestine and Ukraine, and we should support the current President's efforts to get it sorted, even if the objective is an ulterior one. We should realise the deeply embedded constraints on Trump's freedom of action, a course he appears to be successfully navigating, not as a diplomat but as a fixer of deals. Only time will tell if it works or not. (TTV)
Zelensky in the firing line - and not from Putin. Was it a set-up?
The slaughter of hundreds of thousands and threat of nuclear war reduced to, "Why don't you wear a suit?" ???
BREAKING NEWS: Trump, Zelensky, And "JD Vance Have Shocking Explosive Argument In The Oval Office."
Everything is subject to the Zionist propaganda department before it is released to Western man.
To every stage and drama, there is back-stage and director. The Trump Zelensky show-down, with J D Vance in a supporting role, was just scripted theatre, either to get Trump's way or because he failed so to do. Just as the audience was primed to fear the dreaded 'Covid' - and of course it worked - so it was primed to fear the dreaded 'Putin' by the same Producers who tried to claim Putin fiddled Trump's first election. It has been in charge ever since JFK's assassination and the criminal fraud of 9/11. Now we have a slightly different set of Directors who might just be trying to change things for the better, but at the same time be just as criminal and dangerous. These are big children playing with very dangerous toys, in a nursery full of them. What America spends its money on is a very clue as to who or what controls it. It's pretty simple really but people are still blind as bats. (Are bats blind? Ed.) (TTV) https://veaterecosan.blogspot.com/
2.3.2025: Good point. And I've seen it made elsewhere too. Trump is a weird compilation of a dominant/submissive character; bombastic yet deferential, depending on his preferences. Confident yet insecure intellectually, he relies on well rehearsed and familiar tropes and his analysis of geopolitics is not a patch on Putin's, or even Macron's or Starmer's. He believes the problem, however complex, can be solved by 'the deal' which involves compromise on both sides. There is a good deal of truth in that, but unfortunately countries of millions and of long histories - longer even than that of the United States - may be less amenable to compromise or capitulation, even at the huge costs in life and damage that may entail. To a simple-minded person (such as Trump) all things are simple and possible. Sadly the reality is, they arn't. (TTV)
The human suffering caused by this conflict is incalcuable. No one in their right mind could criticise efforts to end it. It was American foreign policy that precipitated it, and it will be American foreign policy that determines the outcome. The stakes are high and the people of Europe have largely been protected from viewing or appreciating their true and awful dimensions. If America withdraws from both Ukraine and NATO as seems increasingly likely, what can European countries put in its place? I think the answer to that is both obvious and pessimistic. Rather than increasing sanctions on Russia and deepening the division and animosity, shouldn't it be doing all it can to end the hostilities and build bridges between the two?
There are certainly parallels with 1939 Sudetenland and the carve-up of Czechoslovakia but there are dangers in pushing them too far and of falling into the trap of just repeating pejoratives truisms like 'appeasment'. The Ukrainian conflict was created in Washington. The intention was clear well over a decade ago. I pointed it out at the time, and I have largely been proved right. Russian speaking Zelensky couldn't even speak Ukrainian when he became the elected leader on promises to end the war. It was Ukraine that banned the Russian language and bombarded the east for eight years. It was Ukraine that pursued the policy of joining the EU and NATO despite knowing what the inevitable consequence would be and it was Boris Johnson that torpedoed the potential settlement two years ago. Now with a retreating USA Britain is upping the anti and 'boots on the ground' that can only lead to lost lives and financial ruin. So much for not 'appeasing tyrants'. Of course elsewhere we are happy not only happy to appease but to actively assist tyrants like Netanyahu and his gang.
Fair point. Have you forgotten Russia was invaded by Germany and lost 12 million souls in the process? Germany would not have been defeated without it being our ally and the Normandy Landings would have been an even bigger disaster than they were, as Hitler's troops would not have been deployed in the east. Russian occupation of Eastern Europe was a direct consequence of that and even agreed at Yalta. You don't seem to appreciate that what happened in 2014 was an American invention, additional to but not unrelated to the famous "seven countries in five years". It's result was predictable. It breached the 1992 agreement on neutrality. Can you imagine America's reaction, if Russia set up nuclear weapons in Mexico or Canada? Wars in the West are always justified on grounds of 'freedom' and 'democracy' but we all know it's a lie. The public never learn the truth or the lesson, so we continue feeding the killing machine with gung-ho rhetoric that bears no relationship to the reality.
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