The Legal Position of Israel in Palestine.
Legality v. Criminality Exposed !
Does Britain support the 'Rule of Law' or not?

22.3.2024: Interesting numerology: The initial 'Hamas Assault', claimed unbelievably by Israel as a 'Surprise Attack', has some interesting embedded numbers, which of course are wholly coincidental. The incursion took place on Monday 7th October, 2023, thus 7.10.2023.
7+10+20+23 = 60. Sixty as a number has had particular significance since ancient Sumarian and Babylonian times, giving rise to the use of twelve (5x12) and sixty as the basis of calender and time (months, hours, minutes and seconds) In England units of dozen and score were adopted and life itself from ancient times was indicated as 'three score years and ten'. The numbers 3 and 10 are important Masonic numbers and 23 is referred to as the 'Enigma Number'. (Some might remember it appeared in the high profile dissapearance and recovery of Nicola Bulley) Sixty is somewhat unique in being divisible by no less than eleven integers - eleven itself being significant to events! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20 and 30) If we take just 7+10+23 = 40, we have a number particularly significant to Jews, Muslims and Christians, repeatedly appearing in their respective sacred texts. (I could give numerous examples) Just so happens that the date chosen to facilitate the invasion, used as a pretext to apply the Old Testament injunction of God, via Samuel to King Saul, to slay without mercy the Amalekites, utilizes these numbers. Of course Amalak was the grandson of Esau, who Jacob (later given the name of Israel) deprived of his inheritance by deception. Anything here sound familiar?
Zambia , Turkey, Arab League address World Court on consequences of Israel's occupation
29.2.2024: GAZA INDIFFERENCE! The world, especially the human world, has become, perhaps always was, a strange and dangerous place. We are witnessing daily, minute by minute, how depraved and violent people can be, how utterly devoid thay can be of empathy and humanity. How those with guns and bullets can use them indescriminately or what is worse, descriminatingly, intentionally aiming lead at the heads of children. Not only do the perpatrators and their supporters feel no shame, they positively revel in their ability to maime, injure and destroy. They celebrate with singing and dancing, such is their primitive, indoctrinated hatred of others, their superior weaponry and the relative defencelessness of their victims. Just as I warned of the massive financial and human scam of Covid and of its disastrous consequences, so for years I have warned of the dangers of rabid zionism and the aims and objectives of Israel. Incredibly in 2024, that puny and criminal state, is allowed to do as it pleases, breaking every humanitarian law, abusing every human right, because the world refuses to intervene politically or militarily. America that claims to be founded on human rights and basic freedoms, not only does nothing to stop the slaughter but actively supports it, such is the hold rampant zionism has over its political leadership. America has vetoed and hand-cuffed the United Nations intervention. Britain its lapdog, has disgracefully abstained and failed to even condemn the racism, apartheid, murder and destruction being perpatrated, brazenly and contemptuously, for all the world to see, not accidentally but as stated israeli government policy. We do not call out the lies, we do not threaten sanctions or arrest warrants for war criminals. Instead we just parrot the spurious reasons and excuses like inferior idiots easily duped by murderers. Is our government really taken in or is it actively complicit in the long-standing Israeli objective of killing or displacing ALL Palestinians and illegally reigning supreme 'from the river to the sea'? Israel is not only bombing, shelling and shooting Gazans, it is actively starving them and depriving them of water and medicines, obvious war crimes, yet where is the clear unequivical denunciation? THE LATEST OBSCENITY shooting live rounds and tank shells at starving people queuing for food killing over a hundred, injuring seven hundred more. Where are the aid drops from the air? Where are removals of injured to hospitals? Where are the TROOPS on the ground to protect the innocent? We stand idly by and regard it all with detached formality, men in western suits debate politely, whilst other men in suits - killers - are treated with respect and consideration, whilst the victims drown in their own blood. That is the very definition of a profound psyco-pathology that has affected our national pschi. The frustration of world public opinion is palpable but our leaders fail to intervene. We all think we know why - but still we must ask the question WHY? and demand human answers. The Church has failed; the politicians have failed; government has failed; the UN has failed; the World has failed. Do we all have to emulate the brave but tragic Aaron Bushnell before our leaders act? TTV.
Now we have massacres named.
Today, 29th of February, 2024., genocidal occupation committed one of the most cruel massacres in modern history.
And media named it “Flour Massacre”.
Over 110 people were killed. Mostly men, fathers, sons, brothers, who didn’t sleep at night, went to Al Rashid Street in Gaza City. They went at dawn, lining up since 4 am. Starved, exhausted men, who felt responsibility and duty to feed their kids, their parents, their siblings…they waited humanitarian truck bringing flour. So they can get some to make bread. They haven eaten for days themselves, but they went hoping to get at least a little bit of flour.
Genocidal occupation waited till they were satisfied with numbers of them, so they can saidstic shoot at them. From their guns and tanks. They killed over hundred defenseless, starving, exhausted men…
Families were waiting on them, they waited for a little bit of flour. They waited for them. They never came back. They were somebody’s everything.
Never forget this monstrosity. This is not the only massacre. They are making it normal and acceptable.
What kind of world is this? What kind of world are we living in? World that has morally bankrupted and fallen into devils hands.
I have zero words to say anymore. My heart literally hurts and I feel like I am losing my breath.
Ya Rabb…we only have you

Tim VeaterThe fascist killing izrael regime and its barbaric leaders utterly disgusts me almost as much as the pulsilanimous western leaders, pretending to care, whilst allowing this disgrace to continue. Seems to me they ALL need to go on trial for war crimes.
Tim VeaterYour comment posted here ( Fares although all the platforms are ostracising me so number of views has dropped right off. I feel so helpless and ashamed of our governments
that are utterly despicable and sunk in zionist torpor. How many more have to die before someone stands up to these loathsome, bloodthirsty, cowardly, bullies?
BBC (Blatant Broadcasting Corruption) News @ 6pm on Radio 3, the Gaza 'Flour Massacre' was just 'An incident', followed by Israeli lying accounts, verbatim. ("Let's get back to classical music and chat") Meanwhile to redirect our attention we have the death of Navalny (why did he ever go back to Russia?) and the 'Islamaphobia' thing and MP's needing 37 million of 'protection' - obviously from those pesky Muslims again. Meanwhile the obliteration of a whole region with the latest West-provided high explosives, the murder of tens of thousands of innocent people, including those starving, queuing for flour, is just one of those unfortunate facts of life. How much more morally bankrupt and biased can the BBC news reporting become?
I cannot fault him on the Gaza issue. From Oct. 7 onwards, if Britain had had ANY moral scrupels, it would have challenged the israili version of events, put it in its historic context, for which we were partly responsible, called for restraint and then unequivically condemned the attacks on Gaza, and then supported UN attempts at intervention to protect and aid civilians. Instead we took the cowardly course of sticking close to
the American/Zionist position, confirming we are interested in neither honour or justice. We have stood by with our hands in our pockets, as the worst outrage of the century has been carried out by blood-thirsty fananatics on a largely defenceless, friendless population with no where to go. Instead of standing up for what is right and humane, we swallowed all the Israeli lies and propaganda, supporting its right to defence, whilst ignoring for more than seventy years any right the Palestinians had to their defence. In the process we have become supporters of the most vicious and unchristian genocide, which despite world-wide condemnation, continues. The failure of America and Europe to curtail the murderous, genocidal activity of Israel, will for ever be an indelible mark of shame on any semblance of humanity or credible morality. We have sided with evil and will be judged on that basis.
Tim Veater
Frants Gundelach Do you happen to remember the famous intent of 'an ethical foreign policy'? Of course it never happened, and its promoter died in somewhat suspicious circumstances not long after. Nations all claim to be defending human rights but the acid test is whether they do. In practice they are not interested in them. All they are interested in is balance of strategic power and hegmonic influence as they see it. Condemning Putin on the one hand and supporting Netanyahu on the other, could not be a better illustration of the hypocritical principle at work.
This is what ISRAEL is doing to thousands of children, not accidentally but intentionally. IDF snipers are actually targeting childrens heads - the injuries prove it. Yet our politicians have refused to condemn it. Thank god for George Galloway and the people of Rochdale. Let's hope there are hundres more like it, until our parliament reflects the view of the public, that Israel is rogue state engaged in the most barbaric racist genocide, breaking every humanitarian and ethical rule which must STOP NOW! A (legal) star is born!
From Wikipedia:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ralph Wilde |
Alma mater | |
Occupation | Professor |
Employer | |
Ralph Wilde is an academic and expert in public international law. He is a faculty member at University College London (UCL). His 2008 book International Territorial Administration: How Trusteeship and The Civilizing Mission Never Went Away — examining international territorial administration in consideration of Third World approaches to international law and postcolonial theory — was published by Oxford University Press.
In 2002 Wilde became a member of University College London Faculty of Laws.[3] He is a public law expert, specializing in international law. He also studies "human rights beyond borders".[4] He has published many papers regarding international law and human rights.[5][6][7][8][9][10]
He won an award for his 2008 book, International Territorial Administration: How Trusteeship and The Civilizing Mission Never Went Away. In 2009 he was awarded the Certificate of Merit from the American Society of International Law.[
"If I Must Die," A Poem by Refaat Alareer
A poem written before the author’s death in an airstrike by the Israeli military.
More than 20,000 Palestinians*
have been slain in just over two months. One of them is writer and professor Refaat Alareer, who was killed in an airstrike by the Israeli military December 6, along with his brother, his brother’s son, his sister and her three children. (As of Dec. 2023)
If I must die,
you must live
to tell my story
to sell my things
to buy a piece of cloth
and some strings,
(make it white with a long tail)
so that a child, somewhere in Gaza
while looking heaven in the eye
awaiting his dad who left in a blaze—
and bid no one farewell
not even to his flesh
not even to himself—
sees the kite, my kite you made, flying up above
and thinks for a moment an angel is there
bringing back love
If I must die
let it bring hope
let it be a tale
فال بد أن تعيش أنت
رفعت العرعير
إذا كان لا بد أن أموت
فال بد أن تعيش أنت
لتروي حكايتي
لتبيع أشيائي
وتشتري قطعة قماش
(فلتكن بيضاء وبذيل طويل)
كي يبصر طفل في مكان ما من ّغّزة
وهو يح ّّدق في السماء
منتظرًاً أباه الذي رحل فجأة
دون أن يودع أحدًاً
وال حتى لحمه
أو ذاته
يبصر الطائرة الورقّية
طائرتي الورقية التي صنعَتها أنت
تحّلق في الأعالي
ويظ ّّن للحظة أن هناك مالكًاً
يعيد الحب
إذا كان لا بد أن أموت
فليأ ِِت موتي باألمل
فليصبح حكاية
ترجمة سنان أنطون
Translation by Sinan Antoon
Bushnell may have reacted to the immorality and unlawfulness of US actions that Bushnell was powerless to stop or to impede except by self-immolation.
Since Palestinians began to outnumber Zionist colonial settlers in territory under Zionist control, the Zionist colonial settlers have become crazed and frantic. Since Dec 2022, the attacks of Zionist colonial settlers on Palestinians, on Palestinian property, and on Palestinian communities have been steeply increasing. Zionist colonial settlers have kidnapped and imprisoned thousands of Palestinians. Zionist colonial settlers have been terrorizing Palestinian children and schools. Zionist colonial settlers have besieged Palestinian religious sites. Zionist colonial settlers have stepped up efforts of Judaization of Jerusalem and of Hebron.
Hamas is a native resistance movement within stolen Palestine and hardly differs from a native resistance movement in Nazi-occupied Europe. Just as the Nazis called the native resistance terrorist, the Zionists and their supporters call Hamas terrorist even though Hamas like the French or Polish resistance to the Nazis is heroic. On Oct 7, 2023, Hamas reacted to the unspeakable barbarism of the Zionist regime.
The kibbutzim of the Gaza Envelope are military bases
1. that are intended to make irreversible the ongoing genocide, which started in Dec 1947 and
2. that have been been camouflaged with civilians that have the role of human shields.
A native resistance movement like Hamas is fully justified in attacking such military bases. The civilian residents of such military bases are not protected noncombatants.
Hamas broke out of Gaza to seize Zionist colonial settlers so that they could be traded for kidnapped Palestinians and for a cessation of attacks on Palestinian religious sites. The US federal code defines such hostage taking for exchange to be a legitimate non-criminal act during a war. See 18 U.S. Code § 2441 – War crimes.
When Zionist forces understood the actions of Hamas fighters, the Zionist military perpetrated unspeakably heinous and random slaughter in accord with the Hannibal Directive. Zionist military seems to have caused practically all civilian casualties and deaths during Oct 7.
The incompetent but depraved, murderous, and genocidal Golani Brigade collapsed.
In response, the Zionist regime has revenged itself on the Palestinian population by destroying Gaza just as Nazi forces destroyed Warsaw. Even though genocide is not a legal or legitimate response to any act, the Zionist regime has achieved the grand slam of crimes of genocide:
• mass murder genocide (Gen. Con. Art. IIa),
• physical and psychological maiming genocide (Gen. Con. Art. IIb),
• hostile conditions genocide (Gen. Con. Art. IIc),
• birth prevention genocide (Gen. Con. Art. IId), and
• child-kidnapping genocide (Gen. Con. Art. IIe, mostly in the West Bank).
Bushnell Charged US Troops Fighting in Gaza – Tikun Olam תיקון עולם إصلاح العالم
Exposing secrets of the Israeli national security state
Reference the 'leap year' I knocked out this silly rhyme for your benefit. ha ha.
Rothschild's Lament.
rudely awakened from sleep,
a bird-scarer ever so cheap,
read in the paper,
Rothschild's met his maker
joined all of the others in one Leap!
once in a lifetime event,
perfectly lined up for Lent,
by the Grand Reaper
expired in a Leap Year,
up money in heaps to be spent."