Monday 26 September 2022

"What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?"

Wilfred Owen, Anthem for Doomed Youth.

Misleading Imperial College modelling predictions and unchallenged veterinary axioms, resulted in the 2001 unnecessary mass cull of cattle and untold human misery. The parallels with the response to 'Coronavirus 19', driven by 'scientific experts', are obvious. "Following the science" sounds great, but what if the scientific assumptions and methodology are themselves deeply flawed?

A major peak in deaths, mainly of the elderly in institutional settings, happened immediately after the lock-down was introduced in 2020. From the beginning I have argued this resulted primarily from the policy not a named virus, although this was blamed. Why otherwise would this have been a peak and not continued when the 'Covid epidemic' continued for two years? Another peak occurred following the mass vaccination programme being introduced in November/December 2020. A rational assumption may well be the two were causally related. This is supported by the reported adverse effects by the national 'Yellow Card' reporting system. We now see a roughly 20% rise in the non-Covid death rate compared with pre-Covid years. This is linked to worrying signs of coronary-related incidents to a young and healthy cohort and micro-biological changes to treated blood. These topics are discussed in greater detail in the video below which comes highly recommended. The question remains whether beneath and behind these policies is actually a sinister plan to reduce population and target particularly vulnerable individuals? You decide.

Eleven million, predominantly healthy non-infectious, animals slaughtered on suspicion, in Foot and Mouth outbreak, statistics manipulated for political reasons. Sound familiar?

"Made in 2014 and recently removed from the Internet when Vimeo shut down the UK Column channel. Viewer discretion is advised.

This documentary covers the UK Government's 'slaughter on suspicion' policy, designed by Imperial College's Neil Ferguson, which saw millions of cattle unnecessarily slaughtered to 'prevent the spread' of foot-and-mouth disease.

This is the same Neil Ferguson whose computer models drove the UK's Covid-19 policy recommendations."  UK Column.,by%20the%20end%20of%20September.

“Other Ill-defined and Unknown Causes of Mortality” On The Rise

The same phenomenon is happening wherever the experimental Covid jab has been rolled out. What other common factor (besides 5G) is there?

An example from Romania. Of course it couldn't happen here - or did it?

USA Figures:  Killing off the young!


  1. Chemicals and government policy, has killed off natural Britain. Everyone needs to realise it and do their part by stop using chemicals inside and out. Attitudes influence and shape behaviours. Behaviours have environmental consequences. The history of civilization is the history of both. Why do you think firms spend billions on advertising. See how the government spent billions on mass brainwashing. People can be persuaded to change both. We just need to be sure it is for the better rather than the worse.

  2. Covid cover-up in Israel:

  3. Dr. Aseem Malhotra who promoted COVID-19 vaccine on TV calls for its immediate suspension. A clear correlation between 'vaccine' and sudden premature death.
    Writing in the peer-reviewed Journal of Insulin Resistance, one of the UK’s most eminent Consultant Cardiologists Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who was one of the first to take two doses of the vaccine and promote it on @Good Morning Britain says that since the rollout of the vaccine the evidence of its effectiveness and true rates of adverse events have changed.

  4. They CAN'T hide the truth any longer about this | Redacted with Clayton Morris

  5. Vaccination Increases Infection Risk by 44%, Oxford Study Finds

    In part one of today's show, more on the Scamdemic, including a scientific paper which presents the truly shocking and earth shattering claim that CRISPR gene drive DNA has been found within the Pfizer/Biontech Covid-19 vaccine. If this is true, the ramifications are potentially unthinkable. It means that someone has wielded the power to genetically alter not just some, but ALL human beings, because once a CRISPR gene drive is released into a population, the genetic modification that it carries will eventually permeate into the entire population. The claims in this scientific paper have not been confirmed and Richplanet is seeking to have independent tests carried out on the Comirnaty vaccine to either prove or rule out the claim. In part 2 we take another look at self sufficiency and reducing dependence on the "system".

  7. "Can't even broach the subject."

  8. AIDS-Like Syndrome Ep29 (Monkeypox updates) by Dr. Paul Cottrell


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