Tuesday 19 July 2022

Web sites just will not allow a sensible discussion of the Covid vaccination issue. Here is a recent example.

The following advert appeared on the local 'nextdoor' web site. I replied, critical of the campaign to inoculate children, which I assume is happening nationally.  Note the subtle, or not so subtle, psychology employed, using a good looking and smiling boy, complete with a green tortoise on his arm (work that one out for yourself) and with a very dubious but influential message. 

Of course nothing in it refers or alludes to the very serious adverse side effects, or possible long-term reproductive ones both for girls and boys. In the opinion of many acknowledged experts, this is nothing short of reckless and a health scandal. Needless to say the site 'pulled the plug' on any discussion of the subject, particularly if it challenged the NHS narrative. The advert itself however remained. This is but one small reminder of how the subject is handled and how objective rational debate, if it does not conform, is censured.  Future generations will pay the price for this state sponsored threat to the health of our children.

This is a post from a Public Service.

COVID-19 vaccinations for children. All children over the age of 5 in Cornwall are eligible for the vaccination against COVID-19. The vaccine helps protect them against severe symptoms as well as long COVID, which effects 1 in 12 children in the UK today. Find out more: https://cios.icb.nhs.uk/health/coronavirus-covid-19/children-vaccine/

Tim Veater

 It is not possible to comment on that Covid for kids advert. I wonder why. Any parent that subjects their children to this experimental 'vaccine' with proven serious adverse effects, need their heads examined! The best and only advice is not to. Natural immunity is far superior and carries far less risk. The government and NHS, knowing what they do, are reckless pushing it on parents and their children. The whole thing is an utter scandal.

Dear God! I am so sick of conspiracy theorists such as yourself! Please, do us a favour, if you don't want a vaccine fine. But to try to influence folk not to safeguard their kids!?! That is evil in the way you seem to want to discourage anyone from reading through official peer reviewed research, which is available and only take your word for this. No doubt you will have an answer for this, as most CT's (Conspiracy Theorists) as they feel they want to be seen to know more than anyone else, to boost their owe egos etc. Take a good look around you. A lot of folk would not be here if it were not for vaccines over the years and none have been proven to be the cause of autism .From Heather Taylor-Nicholson RN, DipHE Healthcare.

Heather Taylor-Nicholson
The health professions are so committed to vaccinations generally, they appear unable to retain any objectivity and blind to the mounting evidence from reliable government sources as to the dangers posed by these experimental 'vaccines'. Instead of attempting to employ the old cliché of 'conspiracy' to disparage the argument, perhaps as responsible person recommending a medical procedure to children, you should examine the evidence first. Both the British 'Yellow Card' and the American 'Vaers' systems prove disastrous adverse effects of the Covid vaccines, information that has been supressed by government and media alike. Nor on examination is there any evidence that the jab has prevented infection or deaths. Indeed quite the opposite is the case. To extend a medical procedure to children, with all their potentialities, when that cohort is not significantly at risk from the disease borders on the criminal. I'm sorry that medical professional like yourself, cannot see it.

Heather Taylor-Nicholson Vital statistics are complicated and need to be carefully analysed and interpreted but one thing is clear, the under 15s have never been at significant risk from SARS Cov-19. The peaks in death ascribed to the virus in 2020 are hard to distinguish from other administrative and procedural causes. Deaths were predominantly in the over 70 age group usually associated with other serious health conditions or in institutional settings. A true viral epidemic does not confine itself to nursing homes. What is now becoming clear is that reinfection and other complications is overwhelmingly in the inoculated group; that non-covid related deaths are 10 -30+% above the previous five year average, for a variety of reasons; that there are both known and unknown significant risks to children and young people around blood clotting, cardiac disease and reproductive problems. These are not 'conspiracy theory' but come from the medical literature and from experts in the field, much of which was accurately predicted. https://www.google.com/search?q=sars+cov+19&rlz=1C1ARAB_enGB463GB464&oq=SARS+Cov+19&aqs=chrome.0.0i512l7j0i22i30l3.5455j0j15&sourcei

"The post you are trying to comment on does not exist."

Think Twice Before Giving the COVID Vax to Healthy Kids

— Based on the data to date, there's no compelling case for it right now

COVID-19 Vaccine Safety in Children Aged 5-11 Years - United States, November 3-December 19, 2021

Public should be told that vaccines may have long term adverse effects

Research into immunisation has been based on the theory that the benefits of immunisation far outweigh the risks from delayed adverse events and so long term safety studies do not need to be performed. When looking at diabetes—only one potential chronic adverse event—we found that the rise in the prevalence of diabetes may more than offset the expected decline in long term complications of H influenzae meningitis. Thus diabetes induced by vaccine should not be considered a rare potential adverse event. The incidence of many other chronic immunological diseases, including asthma, allergies, and immune mediated cancers, has risen rapidly and may also be linked to immunisation.

Nara Griffiths
The risk from this is higher than the disease! 1 in 1,900 hospitalisation for heart problem for teen boys is far far higher than for the virus and (50yr old healthy person has aprox 1 in 2,000 chance of ending up in hospital with virus & teens/children is much much lower) the evidence of problems is mounting weekly but being totally ignored. Add to this the very shortlived protection given and you need to add the two risks together (as it doesn't prevent infection just reduces symptoms slightly). It would fail the standards exspected a few years ago - but evidence/logic/ethics seem to have been thrown out the window in the last 5 yrs
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  • Biff Groovin
    Nara Griffiths, I suppose it was inevitable the ad would attract anti-vaxxers like you making unsubstantiated claims.
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    • Maggie Brocklehurst
      Biff Groovin just because I don’t want an unlicensed, not fully tested spike protein in my body, doesn’t make me an anti-vaxxer. I have had all the real vaccines thank you, and as a child from the ‘polio’ era, am grateful for them. This isn’t a vaccine like those though. I was in the NHS for thirty years and know lots of doctors and nurses who feel the same.
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    • Maggie Brocklehurst
      Phil Polley I suggest you widen your research areas.
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    • Jaz Cars
      Biff Groovin No not an anti-vaxxer just somebody who doesn't live in fear and thinks for themselves, someone who researches and doesn't follow blindly no doubt someone who doesn't just pop pills but looks to their own immune system supported by a healthy lifestyle, well done Nara but sadly Biff I worry for you but best of luck and God bless.
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    • Graham Richardson
      Biff Groovin you have seen the Pfizer safety data that they tried to hide for 75 years?
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    • Gerald Prout
      Maggie Brocklehurst they cant help themselves, cognitive dissonance, slowly more are waking and theyre walking on eggshells, fearful of what they may have done to themselves.

  • Tim Veater
    Oh so true. Government is now run by mind manipulators and sadly the whole nation was taken in by it. Now they are targeting children and parents with cuddly dogs and perverse propaganda. It is time this evil thing stopped. Having written on the subject of health education forty years ago, it grieves me that it has been used in this way, though I have to say it was always on the cards.
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  • Tim Veater
    Meanwhile the health of the nation, particularly for some sectors, continues to deteriorate. It is no accident that the non covid death rate is up at least 10% on previous five year average or that an increased number of young fit people are suffering catastrophic illnesses. Government will not own up to the disaster that was largely self inflicted. Instead it brags about what it did and is still doing. The dangerous scam needs to be called out for what it is.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIFSvnB1WlQ Singapore study of child vaccination.



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