Saturday 14 September 2019

More pictorial doubts cast on Tsarnaev prosecution and conviction.

Reliable image? (See below)

I personally have no doubts the Tsarnaev's were framed, that the trial was a travesty of justice or that the whole Boston event was not a 'deep state' fabricated event. 

Despite a lorry load of evidence pointing that way, a young man sits in a federal prison on death row, a device no doubt to ensure his silence. 

Previous articles have dealt with the substantive issues of effectively state malfeasance and murder of at least two individuals, the following raises further questions as to the reliability of the photographic evidence submitted in support of the prosecution.

The article is not mine and I do not necessarily agree with. or am persuaded by, all the points made and some are more credible than others, but what is clear is that the event itself was fraudulent, persons other than the Tsarnaevs were responsible for its planning and execution, and that Jahar's defence was non-existent to the point of criminality.

This is yet another stain on American security organisations and jurisprudence that undermines them around the world. 9/11 proved neither the FBI, Department of Justice or Congress itself can be trusted when it comes to State crime of gigantic proportion. The Boston Bombing and the egregious prosecution of the Tsarnaevs is another that only America can put right.


by Craig A

I have argued that an entirely false story has been mounted against Dzhokhar – Jahar – Tsarnaev. He is not the Marathon bomber. My way of showing Jahar’s innocence is NOT via pictures. It is via the mishandling by a court. I dislike the way Youtubers, such as Peekay, have used photos and videos – who can know their source, and the chain-of-custody?
I asked my friend Ian to fiddle with the picture above. He inserted Trump to the right of Jahar’s hat, and inserted Josef Stalin (who died in 1953) at the top right. Ian hadn’t tried photo-shopping before – that’s how easy it is to do. This picture is at 755 Boylston St.  It was shown to the court (without Ian’s additions!).  But did it contain Jahar as an “addition”? I don’t know. It was tendered as evidence that Jahar was at the place where a bomb was found.
Jahar was supposedly near the Richard family. Look at the three persons on left, leaning on the railing – Jane, who suffered an amputation, Martin who died, and his Mom. Some have noted that Jane has very straight hair yet in photo minutes later it’s curly.
I have no intention of using pictures to find the bomber. Chapter 30 will discuss the deceptive use of a reenactment by National Geographic. Still, let’s walk through some the official pix now.
Here is a clear shot of the brothers, allegedly at the 2013 Marathon. Most likely it was taken BEFORE 2013.  Note Tamerlan’s lack of a beard. His family insists that he grew a beard for religious reasons in 2012 and never shaved it off. I think Jahar, too, is looking a bit young there. The facial features seem OK. I guess it tp be a real shot of the Tsarnaev;s but INSERTED like Trump and Stalin.
Now for a picture of Tamerlan supposedly taken at the Marathon, which was shown in Court.  I can’t see the face well enough to judge, but the body does not seem heavy enough for Tamerlan.
Any normal defense attorney would have that photo tossed right out as the context is not discernable. Supposedly it was taken on Dartmouth St. Oh, really?
The following shot was frequently run as a video on TV as proof that the brothers were at the Marathon. No one was asked to explain why the boys were walking single file. Or how there would be so much empty space in which to parade oat such a crowded event.  (I tried to attend the 2019 Boston Marathon starting at 2pm. It was so crowded you could not get near it.)
Jahar and sister Ailina have a resemblance. Both siblings have a similar chin, but it doesn’t stick out as much as the chin of the “Coram Boy” or “Dorito boy” – as we shall now see.
 Court Exhibit 22K
This is the one I call “Coram boy, as it led me to write a petition for Coram Nobis, as described in Document 5 of this book. I said the normally portrait layout of the frame was altered into a square in order to crop out the problematic backpack he had on.  Later I judged that it is not Jahar anyway; I believe it is an actor.   And I offer the possibility that he is touching his chin to disguise the fact the chin is too prominent to be Jahar’s.
Now look at “Dorito boy.” This photo is supposed to prove that Jahar went into the Shell station to buy snacks. He too is a chin grabber. Also he may be left-handed, as when we see him take an item from the shelf with his left hand.  On the right is, allegedly, Dun Meng making his escape from the SUV while it was parked at Shell. I am guessing, but only guessing, that both are actors.
However, I think the photo below is genuinely of the brothers, and so probably taken on a different day. (Tamerlan is in the black circle, standing outside the shop.).
En route to Shell, Jahar allegedly stole from an ATM. I feel sure it is not Jahar.  It’s from a surveillance  video that includes footage of this boy walking into the bank’s little foyer. I don’t think Dorito boy is the same person as Coram boy, or ATM boy! Talk about body doubles, did Jahar have body triples?  IMA12
Next,  I offer these family pictures so you can compare Jahar’s facial features with “ATM boy.”
A typical batch of groomsmen. Red-vested Jahar seems to be best man
  Graduating, Rindge and Latin
In a dishonest world you can’t believe anything.  There’s a surveillance video of brothers coming down stairs at their gym, which the voice-over says was near the day of Marathon. I doubt it. In it Jahar looks only age 17 or so.
And then there’s the naked man video that Gabe Ramirez of CNN narrated in a live broadcast in the wee hours of April 19. It is Tamerlan, according to his family, yet the court ignores it. (Note: in Appendix A of this book  “the zoologist’s” gives real-time notes of what was being said on radio that night.)
What the Court Provided
Jurors were shown images intended to support 10 claims:
  1. that both boys walked on Boylston St at the 2013 Marathon
  2. that Jahar stood near 8-year-old Martin Richard
  3. that Jahar put a backpack on the ground with a bomb in it
  4. that Jahar talked on his cell phone at the crucial time
  5. that the boys walked away, not panicking like the others
  6. that the boys killed MIT cop Sean Collier, to get his gun
  7. that Jahar used Dun Meng’s ATM card to steal $800
  8. that they parked Meng’s SUV near the Shell station pumps
  9. that Jahar bought snacks at the Shell convenience store
  10. that the brothers shot at cops on Laurel St.
To repeat, I think all evidence provided by the prosecution to convict Jahar is garbage, notably: the cuckoo story of the brothers bothering to carjack when they already had a car, or the one about choosing to purloin a gun from an MIT cop, or the one about Jahar running over Tamerlan. I don’t suggest that the above pix have any bearing on the unworthiness of the case. The case was already a paragon of unworthiness.

Note: If any if the fake Jahars or fake Anybody’s would like to confess, I am all ears. No doubt they did not know that their five-minute acting job could land a fellow millennial on Death Row. It would also be nice to hear from any (or all) of the groomsmen. They probably knew Jahar well enough to know that he not only didn’t have the motive to bomb the Marathon, he also did not have the brains. They can gmail me at MaxwellMaryLLB.

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