Sunday 14 July 2024

 Trump shot by Republican 'Crooks'!

(Some initial thoughts by a 'conspiacy theorist')

Divine intervention?

18.7.2024: There are secret State agencies and within them even more secret cabals engaged in criminal enterprises with political - i.e. power - objectives. There are certainly highly suspicious aspects to this one.

In particular that a gun man was seen on the roof of the nearby building without interference from police or security detail. The excuse given that the roof was too 'sloping' for their own security detail to be there is laughable in the extreme.

The fact that, as one eye witness described it to the BBC, ( "the Secret Service blew his head off", after the event, proves he was in line of sight of marksmen, not hidden by the roof as was suggested, and raises the question why the threat was not neutralised before, rather than after the shots were fired.

As with JFK the failure of security, either passively or actively, is often indicative of decisions passed down from the top.

Then we have the unlikely fact that Trump was only nicked in the right ear. It is possible that he was only saved by turning his head but if it was a bullet that did the injury, it was obviously a very close call.

The man on the roof, if indeed he was the shooter, was either incompetent or his rifle sight was out by a fraction.

Several shots followed the first - five the witness stated - yet none of them find either Trump or any of the security detail that surround him. If they had we would have seen it. That alone is very strange.

We are told one person was killed and two critically injured. It would be interesting to know where they were standing or sitting? For any of the 'six' shots to have failed so obviously to find even the group surrounding the target, when they remained in clear view throughout raises questions either of competence or intent.

Then finally we have the prepared poster signage waved by members of the audience, stating in large bold print, "Your (sic) Fired". (Gramatically should have been 'You're') that seem all to be taken down immediately after.

This may have been wholly coincidental or it might have been part of a rather obvious PR stunt. (We know how organising agencies love these little touches)

It is made more plausible by the reaction of a woman in dark glasses in the front row holding one of the posters, who appears completely unphase by the shooting, almost as if she was expecting it, and hides the poster almost on cue, then starts recording with her i-phone! Make of that what you will.[0]=AZU-Z64ppg-YilfC5Ti8gb3cvj0AG673dRUb-PEBtccrFrwQ9bp9EAHnfMHA9gJggrWT6CwlmxytDioTICElQyyR9prnho7lgy3tBZBlBp31SfIx6iw_hsGpAs6KnugWjaTzqOj-cbkD89e8FdyMOSkujtn7px_lkZONCQWJDGTT1g&__tn__=H-R

Ref. Trump shooting by Thomas Matthew Crooks:

As usual some common sense questions occur.

With all the security precautions surround a prospective President's public appearance, how could a man with a rifle on the roof of a near-by building not be spotted prior to the incident?

How could a reasonably proficient shooter hit Trump's ear but not his head?

On video I hear three, maybe four shots/reports, one of which caused the injury to Trump. These may account for the reported one fatality and two critically injured.

If so what of the shots that killed the gun man? These do not appear to be recorded.

Trump was looking right when he was hit which accords with the stated gunman's position on the roof top.

The alleged gunman is twenty, well educated and a registered Republican apparently.

Explanations media please.

And who organised those very appropriate posters?

Witness reports:

By Brian Bilston. Here's a poem entitled "America is a Gun".

I will ask this question again and again and again until I get an answer: who gave the order to ignore the shooter until after he fired on Trump?
These new details are jaw-dropping. Who at the Secret Service or DHS gave the order that allowed an assassin to shoot Trump?

More crooks here:

Netanyahu personifies the corruption of language and truth. If ever there was a criminal politician on the world stage, he is it. Yet politicians in the 'land of the free' have the audacity to applaud his lies. He said, " It’s a clash between barbarism and civilization. It’s a clash between those who glorify death and those who sanctify life for the forces of civilization to triumph" when it is clear to all, legally and morally, it has been zionist Israel under his leadership that has followed a policy of barbarous Genocide. How the words didn't choke him and how the clapping supporters of death and destruction were not struck dead on the spot by a bolt of lightening, is the best evidence yet that God has washed his hands of man's wickedness.

30.7.2024: In Britain the Southport outrage.

Some strange aspects to the Southport tragedy and some familiar features. Seventeen year old man from Cardiff arrives in vicinity in a taxi???? Why there? How would he choose his target or was it just circumstantial. If so why a taxi to the location? 'Hart Street' seems highly coincidential. Then we have the high profile of a pop singer, in this case Taylor Swift on record. Remember the highly dubious Manchester bombing with Ariana Grande and the Battaclan with 'Eagles of Death Metal'? Children as targets always get higher profile. Three killed six, seven and nine. Ten remain hospilised. Meanwhile in Israel on previous day, Israel escallates war with Lebanon as follows: “The Hezbollah attack today crossed all red lines, and the response will be accordingly. We are approaching the moment of an all-out war against Hezbollah and Lebanon,” Israel’s foreign minister, Israel Katz, told Axios.

The strike marked a grave escalation after a volley of rocket fire from southern Lebanon directed at several towns in the occupied Golan Heights, the majority of which were claimed by Hezbollah.

However, Mohammad Afif, a senior Hezbollah official, denied responsibility for the strike that hit Majdal Shams, speaking to Reuters. In a statement, the militant group said it had “absolutely nothing to do with the incident”, accusing hostile media outlets of “false allegations”. It always pays to have terror attacks in supporting countries to distract and focus the minds.

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