Thursday 9 May 2024


Lovely May Day here. Ideal for putting things off until tomorrow, which of course never comes. Yesterday I undertook a major adventure by visiting Helston Flora, that ancient rite of Spring, but too late to see any of the dances. For all the massing crowds I spotted only one face I recognised and then only at nodding distance. However I did manage to catch the end of 'God Save the King' (still sounds strange) and loud cheers that followed it, so no Peasants' Revolt here quite yet. The sensual experience relied mainly in pushing through the press and the mixture of sweat, perfume and the waft of hot dogs and beef burgers. I caught all the dancing couples leaving their function from the Town Hall, the men in top hat and tails and the women in all their multi-coloured finery. Then to end the trip, traditional Cornish songs in front of the Bowling Green by the Four Lanes Male Voice Choir, to which I contributed my dulcit tones.

One detail that may interest you Ros - or at least your friend - was my chance meeting with a charming elderly gent outside his garage in Breage. (Many years ago our Mulfra farming neighbour, Mr Olds, had a saying, "Oh they come from beyond Breage" - meaning 'foreigners') The rear of his car was showing which I quickly identified as an old Riley. In fact it turned out to be a 1933 'Monaco' model, beautifully restored by him. It had been owned by father and son before he purchased it over twenty years ago, but then sadly caught fire on the Camborne by-pass whist he and his wife were in it, owing to an electrical fault. I guess the fact that it had an Ash frame didn't help. Anyway, he had totally rebuilt it, with original parts coming from all over. The beautiful red leather seats were a bargain from a man in Germany. The advanced ohc engine with replacement SU carburettor, spotless. The deminuative owner had been steam engine driver on the Bridgenorth line, until the Beeching cuts had made him redundant, which after a spell as a postman he became the CCC library van driver for thirty years. What a clever and inspiring chap who I was honoured to meet.

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