Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Since when has the British medical establishment become addicted to tyrannical, non-scientific, 'monotheism'?

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Dr. Kulldorff responds to anti-GBD screed in BMJ

Covid, lockdown and the retreat of scientific debate | The Spectator - Martin Kulldorff, Coffee House:

October 12, 2021 - "Science is about rational disagreement, the questioning and testing of orthodoxy and the constant search for truth. With something like lockdown – an untested policy that affects millions – rigorous debate and the basics of verification/falsification are more important than ever.... But with lockdown, science is in danger of being suppressed by politics. Lockdown moved instantly from untested theory to unchallengeable orthodoxy: where dissenters face personal attack. Understandable on social media perhaps, but it has now crept into the British Medical Journal (BMJ) in a recent article about the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD).

"The GBD, which I wrote, together with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya [of] Stanford and Dr. Sunetra Gupta [of] Oxford, argues for focused protection. Rather than a blanket lockdown which inflicts so much harm on society, we wanted better protection of those most at risk – mindful that Covid typically poses only a mild risk to the young. For saying so, we are smeared as 'the new merchants of doubt' – as if scepticism and challenge is regarded by the BMJ as something to be condemned. The BMJ article is full of errors that ought to have never found their way into any publication. Here are some examples:

My colleagues and I are described as ‘critics of public health measures to curb Covid-19’. On the contrary, throughout the pandemic we have strongly advocated better public health measures to curb Covid-19 – specifically protection of high-risk older people, with many ‘clearly defined’ proposals. The failure to implement such measures, in our view, has led to many unnecessary Covid deaths.
We are described as ‘proponents of herd immunity’ which is akin to accusing someone of being in favour of gravity. Both are scientifically established phenomena. Every Covid strategy leads to herd immunity. The key is to minimise morbidity and mortality. The language, here, is non-scientific: herd immunity is not a creed. It’s how pandemics end.
It says we have ‘expressed opposition to mass vaccination’. Dr. Gupta and I have spent decades on vaccine research and we are all strong advocates for Covid and other vaccines. They are among the greatest inventions in history. To falsely credit the anti-vaccine movement with support from professors at Harvard, Oxford and Stanford is damaging for vaccine confidence. This is unworthy of a medical journal.
The GBD is referred to as a 'sophisticated science denialism’. Note here how something that challenges an orthodoxy is described as anti-science – a label that presumably could have been applied to any scientific innovator who ever questioned a failed orthodoxy. Collateral public health damage from Covid restrictions are real and enormous on cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, backsliding childhood vaccinations, starvation and mental health, just to name a few. It is not the GBD, but those who downplay lockdown harms who should be equated with those who [downplay] the harms of tobacco or climate change.
The GBD was not ‘sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) – and I’m pleased to see that the BMJ has at least retracted this claim. We were there for media interviews, with no sponsorship. How did such a blunder end up in print in the first place? The AIER staff did not even know about the Declaration until the day before it was signed, and the AIER president and board did not know about it until after publication. If we had written the Declaration at say, Starbucks, would the BMJ have claimed that it was sponsored by the coffee shop?
The BMJ article mentions ‘AIER contributor Scott Atlas’, but Dr. Atlas has never been affiliated with nor written for AIER. Neither have we – unless the BMJ also views us as affiliated with hundreds of universities and organisations that we have visited during our careers or that have reprinted some of our articles. Dr. Atlas was not even aware that AIER had reprinted one of his articles until the BMJ linked to it.
Several AIER employees have gracefully supported the GBD, just like countless other people around the world, but we have never received any money from the AIER. This basic error again exposes how normal checks did not appear to have been applied by the BMJ.
The BMJ article ends by saying that my colleagues and I are peddling a 'well-funded sophisticated science denialist campaign based on ideological and corporate interests'. Nobody has paid us money for our work on the GBD, or for advocating focused protection. None of us would have undertaken this project for professional gain: it is far easier to stay silent than put your head above the parapet. As a vaccine developer, Dr. Gupta has connections with a pharmaceutical start-up, but Dr. Bhattacharya and I are among the few drug/vaccine scientists who purposely avoid pharmaceutical company funding to be free from conflicts of interests.
"The BMJ attempt to link us to the Koch brothers is an ad hominem attack of the highest order, but failed to mention much closer connections. We all work for universities that have received donations from Koch Foundations, although unrelated to any of our own work. While the AIER has received only a single $68K (£50,000) Koch donation a few years ago, many universities have received multiple, much larger Koch donations, including million dollar gifts to Duke, Harvard, Johns Hopkins and Stanford. Since university staff frequently publish in the BMJ, the journal is arguably more closely connected to a ‘network of organisations funded by Charles Koch’ than the AIER.
"Many scientists receive research funding from private foundations, for which we as scientists should be grateful. It is hypocritical and discriminatory for the BMJ to single out Dr. Gupta because her lab received limited funds from the Opel Foundation. As one among many examples, Neil Ferguson and his team at Imperial College were awarded a prize by the Koch-affiliated Mercatus Center's 'Emergent Ventures' program.

"During a pandemic, it is the duty of public health scientists to engage with government officials: to use their expertise to confront what right now is perhaps the biggest single problem facing humanity. It is hard to understand why anyone would criticise that.... If we are wrong, then as scientists we would welcome a scientific discussion on how and where we are wrong.

"The BMJ article urges people to use ‘political and legal strategies’ rather than scientific argument to counter our views on the pandemic. It also calls for people to adhere to the ‘scientific consensus’ as represented by a Memorandum [the John Snow Memorandum - gd] published by the Lancet, a document that questions natural immunity after Covid disease....

"That such an article was published exemplifies the decay in standards of scientific journals. Open and honest discourse is critical for science and public health. As scientists, we must now tragically acknowledge that 400 years of scientific enlightenment may be coming to an end. It started with Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei and René Descartes. It would be tragic if it would end up as one of the many casualties of this pandemic."

Read more:

George J. Dance at 10:22 AM

Covid Mysteries Part 1: An Australian Engineer Asks Questions

Covid-19 Tests imported in 2017 and 2018

Editor’s note: An Australian Engineer Speaks Out – The Many Mysteries of Covid. This is a republished article sourced from Covid Medical Network Newspaper.

by Dr Phil Greer

The purpose of this message
I remember when one or two of my friends were telling me sometime in 2021 about the origins of the pandemic and the hidden dangers of the vaccines. I didn’t take them too seriously, thinking that they had gone a tad too far down the conspiratorial road.
However, out of a mixture of curiosity and duty to myself, I decided to do some research – with the view that I’d be able to determine that they’d been victims of too much-sensationalised information.
Given that I used to head up the R&D division of a $700-million organisation, and that I’ve managed a wide variety of literally hundreds of corporate projects, I figured that it was a challenge that I could take on. Also, given that I have an engineering PhD that has helped me think critically, and that I’m very much a “show me the facts” type of guy, I figured that it wouldn’t be difficult to put any and all crazy conspiracies to bed.
After all, the prevailing message was very clear and consistent from our politicians, health advisors, expert government bodies, the MSM (Mainstream Media) and other experts which was:
Covid is a pandemic
The vaccine is safe, developed in record time
We need to be locked down and vaxxed for our safety.”
It was a major, global event, but it all seemed pretty simple. Conspiracy – I don’t think so!
What I hadn’t realised back in August 2021 was that I had stumbled upon something that was so conspiratorial, widespread and ingenious in terms of its dark intents it subsequently left me day after day moving from a point of uneasiness to being increasingly disturbed as a result of what I was uncovering.
In the process of getting to the bottom of the whole Covid/Vax thing I waded through more than 700 papers, videos, opinion pieces and articles. I talked to numerous medical professionals like nurses, doctors and paramedics, and I waded through data, LOTS OF IT. Perhaps most crucially, I did deep dives at the data behind the data that was bombarding us daily as gospel – which took a lot of digging. In the process I realised that very little, in fact almost nothing of significance that we were officially being told by the government or the MSM was remotely true. And not everyone that I talked to had the same story, so that led to more digging to get to the truth.
Anyhow, as time progressed I came upon such voluminous amounts of information that I decided to take time off work (which stretched to a whole month) – right in the process of building a new business that I’d planned to launch ahead of my 50th birthday; instead, I found myself devoting 18-hour days almost non-stop to get to the bottom of what became increasingly like a disaster movie.
At this point, let me say that I am NOT offering any advice. I’m NOT saying that everything that I’ve read, referenced or quoted will have complete accuracy. It would take years to check the contents and the veracity of every single data and information source; that is the nature of science and discovery.
I’ve decided to lay out this paper in the form of a series of Why? questions – since there are A LOT of things that did not make sense for me if the aims of our government leaders were looking out for their people.
I expect that much of the content in this document will need updating within literally one week of reading it, since the latest data that is coming from literally dozens of sources, including frontline workers and whistle-blowers, many of whom have sprung up during the pandemic. Almost none of this information is available from the heavily censored Fact Checking Big Tech, MSM or Big Pharma funded medical journals.
It’s worth stating that searches on Google – who has shares connected with Big Pharma, makes the task a little trickier since Google will ‘fact check’ things according to Google’s truth; alternative browsers such as DuckDuckGo can assist with this issue.
I appreciate that much of this content will likely seem far-fetched, fictional even, with opposing perspectives to the MSM, the political and government’s expert narrative that prevails – like it did to me when I first started off on the journey.
All that I would ask is that you keep an open mind and dig deeper into the facts behind the facts – without taking my word for anything that’s written here. I’d prefer it if you did your own research from credible, independent experts.
I’ve had this document reviewed by several senior medical practitioners who were each extremely well read and exceptionally knowledgeable regarding all things Covid.
I would also attest to the fact that Big Pharma is a brilliantly organised, highly connected trillion-dollar industry connected to Big Tech and advisory institutions – making it more difficult to determine the facts. However, voluminous amounts of good, credible information can be found if you are just able to follow the breadcrumbs and good neutral sources.
The Why? Questions
  1. The Mysterious Disappearing Flu
  • Why is it that the official government number of influenza deaths in Australia in 2021 is ZERO, and that there has not been a single flu death recorded since April 2020? And that the number of previous flu deaths in Australia are coincidentally similar to the recorded Covid deaths?
  • Why is it that the number of Flu Cases (interestingly, whose symptoms are similar to Covid) in the US declined by 99.5 % during 2020?
2. Masks
  • Why is it that we must wear masks whenever mask manufacturers state that they provide no protection against Covid (and that they are Single use only)?
  • Why do governments insist on wearing masks, whenever the most comprehensive analysis of mask effectiveness from 65 publications and 44 experimental studies show that masks are actually HARMFUL to human health – with a range of negative aspects cited as being the following:
Increase in dead space volume
Increase in breathing resistance
Increase in blood carbon dioxide
Decrease in blood oxygen saturation
Increase in heart rate
Decrease in cardiopulmonary capacity
Feeling of exhaustion
Increase in respiratory rate
Difficulty breathing and shortness of breath
Feeling of dampness and heat
Drowsiness (qualitative neurological deficits)
Decrease in empathy perception
Impaired skin barrier function with acne, itching and skin lesions?
  • Why, when studies have been shown that wearing masks causes a range of harmful psychological and societal issues, does the government mandate the wearing of them?
3. PCR Test
  • Why are we using the PCR test to determine whether someone has Covid or not? The PCR test kits that are used in numerous countries have been found to be extremely unreliable from multiple studies and laboratory professionals; and also the PCR test kits used in many nations are purported to be unable to differentiate between Covid and influenza?
  • Why are we counting Covid cases at an amplification test cycle frequency in the testing kit that is very high, above levels recommended by Dr. Fauci, so that it produces significant numbers of false positives, leading to the assumption that Covid case numbers are significantly higher than they actually are? And why did the WHO sit on this information for months before going public?
  • Why are we using the PCR test to determine whether someone has Covid or not, when the inventor of the PCR test stated that the PCR test is not meant to be used as a diagnostic test and certainly not at the significantly elevated number of cycles that it is being used at – since it will produce erroneous results?
4. Vax Injuries and Deaths – what we’re not being told re the numbers
  • Why, if the vaccines are safe, are Australian nurses so concerned about what they are seeing in relation to vaccine injuries and deaths that they have started a site on Telegram called Frontline Workers Speak Out which in less than 2 weeks amassed over 38,000 subscribers and more than 80 whistle-blowers who have reported significant increases in both injuries post-jab, and deaths in both patients and staff?
  • Why are hundreds of Australian nurses and doctors from the above site coming forward? And why are thousands of frontline workers in many countries coming forward, at the risk of losing their careers in some cases, with claims that almost none of the injuries and deaths post-jab are being recorded as linked to the vaccine?
  • Why, if the vaccines are safe, was the Facebook page of America’s ABC inundated with over 250,000 stories of vaccine related tragic injuries and deaths within the space of just 5 days — when it asked for tragic unvaccinated Covid stories (before they removed the page)?
  • Why is it that we have not been told that from the US Medicare database (not available to the public) that 48,000 people died within 14-days of receiving their jab (which is multiple times the number shown in the VAERS (voluntary adverse events reporting system data)?
(Of particular note is the fact that the Medicare database represents only 18.1 % of the US population, meaning that the real death numbers from the vax in this period only are more likely to conservatively be at least 200,000).
  •  Why did Mr. John O’Looney, the owner of a family funeral business in Milton Keynes, UK, claim that whenever the vaccinations started to happen in bulk he saw a very significant rise in the number of deaths in the population, claiming that he was burying the dead at a rate he had never experienced previously and, after talking to many medical professionals and frontline workers, concluded that he was “dealing with murder victims”?
Why did the 45 undertakers in Mr. O’Looney’s regional area also say that they could scarcely keep up with the rate of burials, and why would Mr. O’Looney say those things believing that it would probably cost him his membership of the association – which it did soon after he went public?
Why, if the vax is safe have US Army doctors filed affidavits in a lawsuit for a preliminary injunction in Federal District Court of Colorado, under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act, calling for an immediate halt to further COVID-19 “vaccinations” for all military personnel and the grounding of all personnel as a result of three pulmonary embolism events within 48 hours of their vaccination, one fatal?
Why is it that the governments of the UK, Europe, and the USA maintain that “the vaccines are safe” yet 5-million adverse events (where approximately 50% will result in life-time disablement) have been recorded in the voluntary reporting systems – which have been acknowledged in numerous studies to under-report adverse events by a factor of between 10 to 100? And why was the vaccination program not stopped in Australia given that the number of adverse events recorded in 2020 were 2 x number of adverse events recorded for the previous 20-years combined?

Monday, 25 October 2021


The life and death of a great war correspondent


When the British journalist Robert Fisk died of a stroke at St Vincent’s Hospital in Dublin on October 30th, 2020, we had been divorced for 11 years and separated much longer. In the year since Robert’s death, I have virtually lived with him again, almost as intensely as during our years together.

I wrote the first draft of Love in a Time of War in Howth, Co Dublin, in 3½ months last winter, during the Covid lockdown. My memoir was prompted not by the pandemic but by Robert’s passing. It has been a long journey.

This is how it happened. After Robert was buried at Kilternan cemetery, Co Dublin, the Weekend Review of The Irish Times published an article I wrote. My agent, Jonathan Williams, rang to say that Neil Belton, the Irish publisher of Head of Zeus in London, and the Irish book distributor Simon Hess, were interested in a memoir along similar lines. I initially said no; I was profoundly affected by Robert’s death and thought it would be too painful.

But on early morning walks in the Tuileries Gardens, I found myself composing the book in my head. I realised that I would not be at peace until I wrote it. I rang Jonathan back, then spent weeks amassing diaries, Robert’s and my books and correspondence, photographs, and the articles I wrote between 1988 and 2003, the years when Robert and I worked together.

I flew from Paris to Dublin with 50kg of archives, which I then sorted into chronological order. The structure of the book, which begins with Robert’s death and ends with my last, chance meeting with him in 2019, was self-evident to me. Fourteen stacks of documents piled up on the bed in my guest room: prologue, epilogue and 12 chapters recapping our lives as journalists and lovers in LebanonIraqIranSaudi ArabiaAlgeria and the former Yugoslavia.

My first meeting with Robert in Damascus occurred nearly four decades ago. I am not usually one to dwell on the past, but writing this book made me appreciate the truth of William Faulkner’s maxim: the past is not dead. It isn’t even past.

I had merely to look at the cartoons which Robert left on my desk, the cash register chit for the “adulterous hat” he bought for me in Rome in 1987, the receipt for my wedding bouquet in Knightsbridge 10 years later... It all washed over me again, with undiminished power.

Robert’s letters had remained untouched in my cellar for decades. Re-reading them carried me back to Manhattan in 1987, to Paris in the early 2000s. If a writer is someone whose life is destined to end up in a book, the experience transformed me into a writer.

I started some chapters in a state of near panic, fearing I had forgotten. But as I read through my archives and walked by the Irish Sea, the canvas filled in, like a paint-by-numbers kit. By the end of each successive chapter, I was there: driving around Algiers with Robert, on the lookout for throat-slashing GIA extremists; under bombardment with him, in BeirutBelgrade and Baghdad. The passage of decades had not dimmed my memory after all. It did bring a measure of detachment, and, with the advantage of hindsight, historical perspective.

By the time I flew back to Paris in late April, I felt I had spent not three months but 3½ decades away. I was a time traveller, returning to home base. The experiences I relived were so potent that they nearly wiped clean the hard drive of my brain. I had forgotten the door codes to my building and my credit cards’ PINs. I had to give myself a refresher course in French politics, which I cover for this newspaper.

I did not attempt to write a biography of Robert, though I believe that an accurate portrayal of him emerges from the book. It is a chronicle of the two decades between my first meeting with him and the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the last war we covered together.

I wanted it to be a story of love and adventure, which it is, in part. But the injustices, massacres and suffering we chronicled in the Middle East and former Yugoslavia, as well as our divorce and his remarriage, repeatedly tugged it towards the tragic.

I long feared that Robert would have hated me writing this book. Not all of it; he would have been happy for me to recount his extraordinary courage and journalistic genius. But he probably would have objected to passages about our private life and the grief we caused each other.

The fact that Robert appeared prominently in his own newspaper articles reassured me. That, and his literary talent, made his writing irresistibly fascinating to readers. He often evoked his childhood and parents, especially his father’s role in the first World War. Robert could never resist a good story. This was a great story, and I wanted to write it.

The events we lived through and our relationship were of a piece, intertwined. I could not recount one without the other. My presence in Beirut in the last years of the Lebanese civil war would not have made sense if I did not explain how Robert convinced me to leave Manhattan – and my first husband – to join him in 1987.

Though I had worked as a journalist before I knew Robert, my first years with him were an apprenticeship in being a war correspondent, what I jokingly called “the Fisk school of journalism”. I would not have found myself on front lines in Lebanon, the Persian Gulf and former Yugoslavia if I had not loved him.

By the time we travelled to Baghdad together in 2003 to cover the US-led invasion, our marriage had floundered. I joked with Robert that we were more partners in journalism than husband and wife. That partnership enabled us to salvage a friendship and mutual esteem from a broken marriage.

At times, Robert drove me to distraction, infuriated and wounded me deeply. I have not written a hagiography. But our personal difficulties never dented my admiration for him as a journalist. As my brother Bob said after Robert’s death, “Robert earned his ego”.

In his endorsement of Love in a Time of War, Robert’s friend Patrick Cockburn, also a leading Middle East expert, said that Robert was the best reporter he had ever known. Patrick paid me the compliment of saying that my book “shows how he did it”.

Robert had a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Near infallible intuition, hard work and decades of experience lay beneath his famous good luck. Robert was willing to forego sleep, meals, and all creature comforts for the sake of “the story”. He delved farther, deeper, and more tenaciously into every story than did his rivals.

Nothing gave Robert greater pleasure than scoring yet another scoop, winning yet another press award. He said the press awards – at least 18 of them, spilling off his library shelves in Dalkey, Co Dublin – protected him from his enemies.

For his searing portrayal of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and Lebanese, Robert was accused of anti-Semitism. For decades, critics questioned the veracity of his reports on the grounds that he could not possibly have seen what he recounted. He had managed to reach Hama, Syria, when it was under siege from government forces in 1982; jealous journalists claimed he was lying.

When we interviewed Imad Mughniyeh, the founder of Islamic Jihad, in Tehran in 1991, the head of a western news agency in Beirut claimed we had made it up. Had Robert not photographed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, he would doubtless have been accused of inventing that too.

Robert will be remembered as the journalist who interviewed bin Laden three times. Those interviews resulted from our meeting with the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Algiers in January 1991. Ten years before the 9/11 atrocities, Robert immediately recognised the significance of bin Laden. Khashoggi would be murdered by henchmen of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in October 2018.

Inevitably, when Robert died, a few mean-spirited colleagues attacked him. I wrote this book in part to defend his legacy as a journalist. It is also a tribute to our oft-maligned profession. Three television cameramen we worked alongside – Olivier Quemener, José Couso and Taras Protsyuk – died covering the stories we were on in Algiers and Baghdad.

Robert often quoted the British journalist Nicholas Tomalin, who was killed by a Syrian missile in Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War: “The only qualities essential for real success in journalism are rat-like cunning, a plausible manner and a little literary ability.” Especially rat-like cunning, Robert added.

Robert’s greatest quality as a journalist was his profound empathy for the victims of the wars he covered, and his anger towards the governments who attacked them. He said war was inherently evil, the total failure of the human spirit. He was an unconditional pacifist.

Robert never let go of a story. By the time he died last year, he had spent 45 years – nearly two-thirds of his life – in Beirut. He returned innumerable times to Sabra and Chatila, the scene of the 1982 massacre of about 1,700 Palestinian refugees by Israeli-backed Lebanese militiamen.

On April 18th, 1996, we arrived at the Fijian Battalion headquarters of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon minutes after Israel halted a 17-minute artillery bombardment that killed 106 Lebanese civilians. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. Mangled bodies, limbs and pieces of human flesh were scattered through the burning compound. I resigned from Time magazine and joined The Irish Times because my US editors were afraid to criticise Israel over the slaughter.

After the Qana massacre, as it became known, Robert returned to southern Lebanon almost daily until he obtained an amateur video, shot by a UN soldier, which proved that the Israelis had a drone overhead and could watch the massacre as it happened. That video forced the UN to release a report that concluded the massacre was unlikely to have been an accident.

Last month (September), a team of journalists from the New York Times proved that a Hellfire missile fired by a US drone in Kabul had killed not a “terrorist”, but seven children and a 43-year-old aid worker and family man called Zemari Ahmadi. What the Pentagon labelled a “righteous strike” turned out to be yet another criminal blunder by “our” side, like those which Robert and I saw the US commit in former Yugoslavia and Iraq.

I couldn’t help remembering Robert’s investigation into a 1996 Hellfire missile strike by Israel on an ambulance in southern Lebanon. Robert proved that the ambulance carried fleeing civilians, not Hezbollah fighters. He followed the serial numbers from the missile casing all the way back to its US manufacturer, placing the missile shard and photographs of the women and children it killed on the polished conference table of the Boeing Defense & Space Group in Duluth, Georgia.

“You are witnessing history,” Robert often reminded me. Three times we saw the “liberation” of capital cities by US forces: the Iraqi retreat from Kuwait City in 1991; the Serbs driven out of Pristina by Nato in 1999; the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

Robert’s judgment was shaped by a profound understanding of the history of Europe and the Middle East, as well as Ireland. When Israel and the PLO concluded the Oslo accords in 1993, Robert told me that it could not work, and why. He predicted that the US-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq would end in disaster.

We interviewed Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the late former editor of the Encyclopaedia Hebraica and a professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, days after the Oslo accords. Leibowitz was a severe critic of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. “There is no necessity in history,” he told us; it was not because something ought to happen – in this instance, Palestinian statehood – that it would.

During Nato’s 1999 bombardment of Serbia, someone painted the words “I hate history” on the wall of the defence ministry in Belgrade. The quip was witty and tragic, because the Serbs were, like all the peoples we wrote about, prisoners of history. In the closing pages of his monumental book, The Great War for Civilisation, Robert wrote: “I think in the end we have to accept that our tragedy lies always in our past.”

Hopelessness is today the common denominator of the countries where I lived and worked with Robert. Lebanon is on the verge of total collapse, with 78 per cent of its population living in poverty. Gaza has been cut off from the world by Israeli blockade since 2007. The West Bank remains under occupation and talk of Palestinian statehood has virtually ceased.

The hardliners have consolidated power in Tehran. Sanctions impoverish that country, and attempts to resurrect the Iran nuclear accord are going badly. Iraq is dominated by Iran and fragmented between Shia, Sunni and Kurds. Algerian youths despair more than ever. Bosnia, Kosovo, and Serbia languish in the waiting room of Europe. The 9/11 atrocities precipitated George W Bush’s “War on Terror” and two decades of extremist attacks.

The turn of the century was a cruel time, which coincided with the slow disintegration of our marriage. At the end of 2001, Robert was severely beaten by Afghan refugees in PakistanDaniel Pearl, the Wall Street Journal correspondent who with his wife, Mariane, nursed Robert’s wounds, was decapitated by al-Qaeda. Then Juan Carlos Gumucio, the Bolivian journalist and Robert’s compañero from the kidnapping days in Beirut, took his own life.

“What in God’s name, I have been asking myself, have we done to deserve this?” Robert wrote to me. He expressed nostalgia for what he called the “blithe and oddly happy years of innocence amid danger” when he and Juan Carlos were close.

I too felt nostalgic for our early years together, when we felt indestructible. Writing this book, I relived our progression from passionate youth to disabused middle age. I watched love flower and then falter. I realise now that it was not a tragedy. It was my life, and a good one. I remember everything that Robert taught me. Something remains.

Love in a Time of War: My Years with Robert Fisk will be released by Head of Zeus, London, on October 28th

See also:

Thursday, 21 October 2021

The Murder of Sir David Amess

'Terrorist Events' - Only one narrative.

Over the years, I have taken a special interest in high profile events, labelled as 'terrorist'. Invariably they only have one narrative - the one that emanates from the government - which is replicated by virtually all media outlets (MSM) without exception or challenge. Interestingly, on closer inspection these events always seem to throw up common features, or reveal other anomalies which tend to go against the prevailing story-line

Anything that might raise questions about the way the incident was handled or caused, particularly if it challenges the narrative, never sees the light of day, at least in the MSM. Despite its inevitable short-comings, it is only the alternative media that must be relied on to provide the necessary critique. Is this the reason for the current government campaign to control the media and internet?

One line of inquiry that is positively regarded as anathema and the province of 'conspiracy theory', is that elements of the government itself, might have in some way been involved in the event, either failing to identify the risky individual or intention, knowing of a plot but failing to intervene or even actively assisting or organising it. Of course history has proved these are very real possibilities that should never be excluded from consideration.

Details of the attack

It is in this context that the latest outrage against Sir David Amess (69) on Friday 15th October, 2021 took place and was reported across MSM. The claimed assailant is a British citizen of Somali descent, named as Ali Harbi Ali (25). He was born in the UK after his family fled war-torn Somalia in the 1990's.  His father was a former Somali government official, in fact an advisor to the Somali Prime Minister, and he grew up in a generally Christian environment - he sang in the local church choir - in Croydon, where coincidentally there have been other strange stabbing deaths, still not fully explained. (See:

A security services failure?

Apparently (according to the BBC) some years previously, Ali had been referred to the Home Office 'Anti-Terrorist Prevent Scheme', yet it is claimed he was unknown as a threat by MI5. So yet again the perpetrator of a terrorist event certainly had been flagged up at some stage to British security, yet was unwatched and un-monitored. This becomes even more unbelievable in the light of information just released, that Ali had been planning an attack for no less than two years, yet nothing raised alarm bells in any of the security agencies. (See: ) Perhaps someone should enquire if, at any stage, either father or son actually worked for, or cooperated with, British Intelligence?

No attempt to run

Ali was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder and has since been detained under Section 41 of the Terrorism Act. Apparently he did not try to escape, remained at the scene and was quoted by witnesses as remaining strangely quiet and composed following the stabbing. This is a feature that has been noted before in assailants and given rise to suggestions of hypnosis or some other form of mental or behavioural control. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) reports he has now been charged with murder and preparing acts of terrorism.

Why was it designated a 'terrorist incident' so quickly?

The speed with which it was announced that this was designated a 'terrorist attack' raises concerns. True 'terrorism' usually involves detailed planning by covert individuals intent on not being caught or identified. Stabbings are common. What determined the 'terrorist' label so quickly? Quick decisions often indicate pre-planning on the part of those behind the event. There are suggestions of Muslim extremism, retribution for the bombing of Syria, influence by radical preachers, links to Al Shabab (See: ) but all these remain vague and ill defined. The true motivation may never be revealed.

It should be noted that this stabbing, in contrast to all the other stabbings that take place on a daily basis, was immediately defined as a 'terrorist event' and the arrest was made under the Terrorism Act rather than the Common Law offence of Murder. No one has explained how, by whom and for what reason this decision was made so expeditiously. Clearly it took the investigation out of the hands of the usual local Essex homicide detectives and effectively transferred it to the Metropolitan Police and MI5.  Some might consider this to be decidedly spooky! 

We have not been told what distinguishes the crime as 'terrorist' as distinct from just another brutal stabbing murder. The main advantage to the police in using the Terrorism Act powers seems to be that the suspect may be detained for 14 days prior to being charged, rather than the normal four and that the whole process of investigation and prosecution can be wrapped in an additional veil of secrecy. (See below)

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has now (21.10.21) announced he has been charged with murder and preparing acts of terrorism.

Emergency response anomalies

The speed with which the police attended within about five minutes and designated the crime as 'terrorist' in nature, is in stark contrast to the way in which the medical emergency was handled.

Although trained first aiders were on scene within minutes, despite every rule of the 'golden hour' after an incident, they continued to treat him at the scene, rather than dispatching him immediately, stabilised and supported in the best way possible, to hospital A&E, where all the expertise and facilities would obviously be on hand. Was the hospital contacted and asked to prepare for an emergency admission? Perhaps it should be asked?

The BBC quotes a local Southend Councillor, John Lamb as saying (as reported by the UK Column) that "Paramedics had been working on Sir David for over two and a half hours and they hadn't got him on the way to hospital." If accurate this is truly astounding and undoubtedly requires explanation that as yet has not been forth-coming. 

UK Column (See: a timeline from the BBC article that is informative. Sir David arrived at the location and entered the church at 12.05. Within minutes he had been attacked and stabbed as the police were there super fast by 12.15 pm. However amazingly another two hours elapsed before the air ambulance arrived (at 2.13 pm) and nearly 3.0 pm when the announcement was made by police he had died. 

Whether he was ever transferred to hospital or was collected by an undertaker, is not clear. However the fact that an air ambulance was called so long after the attack seems to suggest he was still alive at that stage. Nor is it clear who the para-medics were and when they arrived, nor why they did not carry out an immediate evacuation to hospital, as that is the procedure most likely to save a life.

Parallels with other incidents

I am sure I am not the only one who is reminded of the details of the delay that was involved in conveying Princess Diana to hospital following her horrendous 1997 car accident in Paris, nor of the claims made by some, that this was a deliberate planned operation by the security services. 

The parallels with the Manchester bombing, though different in detail, are worth noting.  There, an individual well known to the security services was said to be responsible. In contrast multiple ambulances arrived whilst the fire service was not even notified for hours, beside many other suspicious circumstances high lighted by Richard D. Hall and others. In one instance a father actually blamed MI5 for the death of his daughter in that incident.

Then there was the stabbing of PC Palmer in the grounds of Parliament in which unusually Tobias Ellwood took a leading role in the resuscitation attempts, despite medically qualified personnel being present. In the Amess case Mr Ellwood has (according to the Daily Mail) suggested constituency meetings be paused whilst security measures are re-assessed. (See below)

Then again there are the parallels with the Jo Cox murder in Batley on the 16.6.16. The BBC pointedly carried a quote by her husband Brendan Cox as follows: "The widower of murdered MP Jo Cox has spoken of his "very physical reaction" to the killing of Sir David Amess. Brendan Cox said he was put back "in that moment five years ago" when he learned his wife had been killed by a right-wing extremist in West Yorkshire. He said he felt "a wave of emotion" for Sir David's family and applauded their statement calling for togetherness" 

Presumably in layman's language he means he was physically sick when he heard the news. Leaving aside the forensic examination of that event by Richard D Hall that seriously questions whether a man was framed for the murder (See: the intentional links to other questionable 'terrorist events' in emotive ways, tends to throw a cloud of suspicion over the current one.

Why were warning signs missed?

Apparently Ali travelled some distance from Kentish Town in North London to Leigh on Sea for an appointment with Sir David. Why when his own MP was the Leader of the Opposition, Sir Kier Starmer, did he make that journey and choose instead Sir David as his victim? Did no one in the Essex constituency flag up the issue or ask why an obvious Somali man with high level connections, was coming all that way and for what purpose?

I thought there was a convention that MPs did not meet other MP's constituents? You might even have expected the appointment be declined or even advice sought from the police. Kier Starmer must now feel relieved that he was not the target. Was that the point of the operation?

Last Rites denied

Another strange and perhaps even alarming feature, was the fact that despite being practising Roman Catholic, Sir David was apparently denied the Last Rites. A priest who attended the Methodist Church used for his 'surgery' - not the medical meaning of course - was not allowed in, presumably on the orders of the police. This is an extraordinary decision. Why was it made? (For a discussion on this aspect see:

Common political features of 'terrorist events'

I have often flagged up the amazing way in which 'terror events' of the sort we have witnessed over particularly the last two decades, have coincided with domestic or international events, the purpose undoubtedly being to influence public opinion in a certain direction.

Arguably it started with the 'inside job' of 9/11 in New York and Washington, and has continued in American and European centres ever since. I have covered many of these in other articles on this blog so will not go over old ground. (For more information used the search facility on

Needless to say the last two years have been dominated by the Coronavirus 'pandemic', in many ways synonymous with a calculated 'terrorist event', with analogous social and political outcomes:-    greater state intervention and control of people's lives and the media; a diminution of true democracy and accountability; ever more authoritarian and totalitarian government. 


So we might reasonably pose the question, did the nature and timing of this tragic and brutal event have wider consequences or influence other political developments? 

Qatar links?

Sir David was the Chairman of the All Party Committee on Qatar. He had made multiple trips there over the years. Only two days prior to his death (Wed. 13th Oct.) he had flown back from the country where he met the Emir. His last 'tweet' included a photograph of it.  

In 2019, the MP gave the country’s ambassador a tour of Southend, hoping to win his support and Qatari funding for his long-running campaign to make the Essex seaside town a city. (In his honour the Queen has now done so)

Only days before his murder, Ali's father, Harbi Abi Kullane, who lives in London, publicly criticised Qatar. He said, "Since Feb 17 we have unfortunately witnessed the unhealthy direct involvement of Qatar in the Somali political arena. It is time this notorious and ill-conceived relation was eliminated and utterly diminish its influence." Ali's uncle Awale Kullane is currently still the Somali ambassador to China. As with the Al Hilli murders, these high level connections are unlikely to be unrelated to the subsequent events. (For the Al Hilli case see: )

Could this have provided the motivation for the killing? Could Ali Harbi Ali have been working on the instructions of enemies of Qatar? It certainly has many in the region.  In June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and Yemen broke diplomatic ties with Qatar, accusing Qatar of 'supporting terrorism'. The crisis escalated a dispute over Qatar's support of the Muslim |Brotherhood which is considered a terrorist organization by some Arab nations. Ostensibly the diplomatic crisis ended in January 2021 with the signing of 'Al Ula declaration'. (Source: Wikipedia) No doubt tensions continue.

The politics of the region are complicated and impenetrable. As a tiny nation both by area and population, though flushed with money from its oil and gas resources, it punches above its weight. It is claimed it was essentially Qatari money that funded Al Qaida and the mayhem that followed the American invasion of Iraq and its foreign relations with Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Britain and America have to be viewed in the over-arching geo-political tensions that exist between these powers. 

The brutal murder of Kamal Khashoggi proved that Saudi Arabia was perfectly capable of assassinating those it sees as an adversary, nor should we overlook Israel's and America's disgraceful catalogue of extra-judicial killing, often using proxies and subterfuge.

Was it a 'nudging' event?

It is clear that it was treated very differently by the media to other stabbings, murders and deaths that happen on a daily basis. It was given blanket coverage and evoked the sort of emotional and political response common to these very special events. Much of this might be expected but we should also be very wary of politically motivated, hidden manipulation of the public's emotions. 

Psychological levers - the government calls it 'nudging' - have been blatantly used to get compliance during the Covid hysteria, virtually with no opposition. Literally billions of tax-payer's money has been spent on it without demur. Government has become the 'hidden persuader' in full sight. 

It's emergency powers were extended four days after Sir David's murder and a day after the Commons spent a day in his honour. The most draconian measure since the Second World War was passed without debate and with virtually no opposition. An arms deal to the Ukraine was also announced. No doubt there are other proposals in the the pipeline including the 'on line harms bill' being pressed by Kier Starmer again, but we shall have to see how David Amess' murder is used to justify them.

The British State is engaged in almost permanent propaganda to influence the mind of the British population and it has been remarkably successful.  I have seen enough to convince me that,  buried deep within the labyrinthine corridors of power, there are those prepared to use 'terrorist events' of the sort we have witnessed, of which the murder of Sir David Amess may be one, to pursue an essentially anti-democratic, authoritarian and repressive agenda, of which everyone should be very afraid. 

