Thursday 17 October 2024

Al Hilli/Mollier Murders Chevaline 2012

Another bite at the cherry?

Apparently yet another 'reconstruction' of the events that took place in a mountain layby on the 5th September, 2012 is to be held.  (See 'the Connextion' article below) 

I have written a great deal about this case and what appears to be intentional confusion surrounding it.  I am left wondering why it has take more tha twelve years to even get the facts and chronology straight? Sheer incompetence surely cannot explain it?  

As I pointed out at the time, and I have not come across anyone else who has stated it, let alone explained it, though explanation must have been straightforward, the case kicked off with what proved to be a very big lie!

The lie was significant and never explained, namely that British cyclist Brett Martin, first on the scene, reported the incident at 3.48 pm when he couldn't have. That initial call must have been recorded by the French emergency services but has never been released. If it was made by someone other than Brett Martin, who was it? Could it have been the killer(s)?

I do not intend to go over old ground. (My earlier articles can be easily accessed by using the search facility on the Blog) but just a few salient points about the people and vehicles we know were in the vicinity at the time. 

Neither the French or British investigators have given a clear and definitive version of who and what they were. Indeed some seem to have been deliberately witheld for various periods of time. This is hard to explain unless the purpose was indeed to cause confusion and cover-up.

The group of three - a man and two women - to whom Martin reported the incident about twenty or thirty minutes after discovering it, were not mentioned for days. Questions still surround them and how it happened.

The man on the motor bike, stopped and questioned further up the pass was inexplicably not released for over a year. It was said he had an alibi that cleared him but it has still not been revealed at what time he must have passed the lay-by. It is complicated by the fact that the forestry workers reported a motor bike at the scene when they passed.

And that leads on to the forestry workers in vehicles - two vehicles as far as I can gather - that passed by the layby at the critical time. No doubt with their pseudo-policing role they are observant and keep notes of the people and vehicles they see, even as it is clear interviewing them if they are aware of infringements. Yet amazingly this crucial primary evidence has never been revealed.

Then as we see below, there was actually a second British cyclist who was there. We know absolutely nothing about him (if it was a him) and what he or she saw. That is quite extraordinary given the circumstances.

Both the British and French police, at different times, reported on a large 4x4 BMW or similar leaving the scene, yet it was never traced. At least that is the official version. More importantly despite this vehicle presumably being at the parking lot - for where else could it have been - it was never factored in to the official hypothesis of what happened. Instead only a 'lone gunman' explanation was proffered up.

Suspiciously the French Prosecutor refused to consider Mollier was a target or involved in a pre-arranged meeting, despite being shot no less than five times. All the occupants of the car were not only multiply shot, but in a very professional manner that suggested military training or at least criminal proficiency. 

Both Said al Hilli and Mollier were both outside when they were shot at though Said managed to get back in the car where the fatal shots were fired. (Of course his eldest daughter Zainab, 8, was also outside and remained there injured) Mollier was some distance from his parked bike so the most obvious assumption is that the two were meeting and conversing, but this has never been admitted. Finger prints, let alone DNA should have revealed if Mollier was actually inside the car at any time.

We are led to believe only one old Luger was used yet twenty five casings were found, meaning it would have had to be reload at least three times as it holds only eight in the casette. (Initially a Skorpion sub-machine gun and Serbian criminals was stated to be the case!) Lets hope that in this latest reconstruction they actually try to act out the approved theory to see if it is even feasible. 

Who knows rather like the JFK assassination they may discover it isn't and a better explanation has to be found?

'The Connexion'


British Alps murders: new reconstruction to take place

Published  Modified 

The case of the Chevaline killings remains unsolved more than 12 years later

A new reconstruction into the murder of three Britons and a French man in the mountain village

 of Chevaline is set to take place, as investigators continue to work on the case.

On September 5, 2012, three members of a British family of Iraqi origin and a passing cyclist 

were found shot dead on the Combe d'Ire forest road in Chevaline, Haute-Savoie 


The father, Saad al-Hilli, 50, an Iraqi-born British engineer; his wife Iqbal, 47; and mother-in-law, 

Suhaila al-Allaf, 74 were killed by bullets to the head, and found in the family BMW. The couple’s two daughters - aged four and seven at the time - were present and found hiding in the car. One of them was injured, and the other unhurt.

A cyclist – Sylvain Mollier, 45, a father from the local area, who appeared to have no connections 

to the family – was also killed, having been shot seven times.

The murders are thought to have taken place between 3.29pm and 3.40pm, and 21 bullets were 

fired in total.

Cold case reconstruction

The reconstruction will take place on October 17, organised by the Nanterre cold-case judge in 

charge of the case, and gendarmerie at the Chambéry research unit. It will take place at a disused 

air base in the Île-de-France region.

The aim of the reconstruction, and the potentially-new information on which it may be based, 

have not been made public at this stage. The victims’ lawyers have been summoned, but it is not 

clear if any of the witnesses have been called to take part. 

These include a second cyclist, also from England, who arrived at

the car park immediately after the killings, and a motorcyclist 

from Lyon, who passed by the site just before the murders.

‘A sign of the investigating judge's perseverance’

The surviving daughters’ uncle, Zaid al-Hilli, has said that he welcomes the new reconstruction, 

and “sees this initiative as an encouraging sign of the investigating judge's perseverance”


The case has already been the subject of several reconstructions, with investigators having 

forensically considered the possible movements of the victims and witnesses on several occasions.

On September 30, 2021, almost all witnesses were summoned for a general re-enactment. Some 

statements revealed small inconsistencies, including the timing of the motorcyclist’s passing, and 

whether he was in the car park at the time of the shooting. He was taken into custody at the time, 

but later released when this scenario was ruled out.

Other investigative leads include searches for the murder weapon, which has never been found. 

Ballistics experts have established that the killer used a very distinctive gun; a collector's pistol 

used by the Swiss army in the 1930s. It was a Luger P06-29, calibre 7.65 parabellum.


Extensive forensic examinations have narrowed the search to a series of just 940 pistols, which 

were manufactured in 1935.

Investigators are also awaiting the results of DNA tests and new analyses of fingerprints.

Monday 14 October 2024


The Trial of Richard D. Hall.

Photo: BBC

Video tune:

Mon, 14 Oct at 14:49

Just to update you on the on-going situation with my recent trial at the
High Court in London.

I have obtained a full transcript of the trial which is available to read
or download from this link ...

My own cross examination starts at page 298 (of 454)

The witness statement I submitted to the trial can also be found here ...

I am interested to know from people who read the transcript any thoughts
they may have. Please send them to

I am expecting a judgment on the case on or around 24th October 2024. I
will let you know the outcome.

Thanks for your continued support and for the donations which have funded
my defence. Paul Oakley, my barrister did an excellent job. You can read
every word of what happened at the trial from the link above.

Further details can be found here ...

Further legal documents can be found here ...

My work on the Manchester Arena incident can be found here ...


[ NOTE : Please do not reply to this email. Use ]

See how the BBC reports it

Conspiracist tells court 'no one 

injured' in arena attack


A self-described journalist who claims the Manchester Arena attack was faked has told the High Court he still maintains the bombing was staged.

Richard Hall is being sued in a civil trial by attack survivors Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve, who were severely injured in the 2017 blast.

The former TV producer told the court he believed there "was no bomb", and "no one was genuinely injured in the attack" in which twenty-two people died.

The Hibberts have taken legal action against him for harassment and data protection.

PA MEDIA   Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve have taken Mr Hall to court for harassment

Mr Hall, giving evidence on the third day of the trial, said he worked as a "fully independent investigative journalist" since 2015 after a career as an engineer and television producer.

He told the court: "There was no bomb in that room or genuinely injured people.

“The primary evidence shows there was no bomb in that room that exploded."

Mr Hall later said "millions of people have bought a lie" about the attack.

Summary Judgement For Conspiracy Theorist Claim

Posted on August 9, 2024 at 11:51 am.
Written by Amrik Basra

Martin Hibbert and Eve Hibbert v Richard D Hall [2024] EWHC 1665 


On 22 May 2017, Martin took his daughter, who at the time was 14, to the Ariana Grande concert in the Manchester Arena. As they left the concert, terrorist Salman Abedi detonated an explosive device killing and injuring many.

Martin was left paralysed from the waist down and Eve suffered a serious traumatic brain injury.

The Defendant in this case, Richard D Hall, publicly spoke and published works, including videos, articles, and a book alleging that the Manchester Bombing was a staged incident.

The Defendant made further claims that the Claimants did not attend the concert and their injuries were not a result of the terror attack. The Defendant also attended Eve’s home uninvited. After knocking on the door to no answer, the Defendant waited in his car to film Eve, her mother, and her carer without their consent.

As a result of the Defendant’s alleged actions, the Claimants issued a claim for harassment, misuse of private information, and breach of their data protection rights. The Claimants are seeking damages in addition to an injunction that would prevent the Defendant from being able to continue making claims in respect of the Manchester Bombing and the Claimants.

The Claimants applied for summary judgment in respect of specific issues concerning the case. The issues related to a number of statements made in the Claimant’s particulars of claim that were denied or not admitted by the Defendant. These were:

  1. On 22 May 2017, 22 people were murdered in a terror attack at the Manchester Arena;
  2. The Claimants were present at the time of the bombing;
  3. The Claimants were severely injured; and
  4. The cause of the injuries was the explosion of the bomb in the Manchester Arena on 22 May 2017.

It was for the Court to determine whether summary judgment could be ordered in respect of the issues and if so, come to a determination. The Court may grant summary judgment against a Defendant on a particular issue if the Defendant has no real prospect of defending the issue successfully and there is no compelling reason why the issue should be disposed of at trial.

When making this decision, the Court must not only consider the information available for the summary judgment application but also evidence reasonably expected to be available at trial.


It was held that the Issues were not to be subject to debate at a future trial as the Defendant had no real prospect of succeeding on his claims regarding the Issues. Judge Davidson cited the mounds of evidence including witness statements, CCTV footage, and medical records all of which confirm that the Issues disputed by the Defendant were in fact true, further adding:

“Although his [the Defendant’s] beliefs may be genuinely held, his [the Defendant’s] theory that the Manchester bombing was an operation staged by government agencies in which no one was genuinely killed or injured is absurd and fantastical.”

The claim is now listed for a further directions hearing ahead of the final trial.

See also:

Friday 11 October 2024

 Thinking on two wheels

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Tim Veater shared a memory.

I am also a cyclist and a driver. I do about the same number of miles (only 1500) on each, the only difference being that the Government charges me four hundred pounds, plus most of the fuel cost, for the latter privilege. The roads have become modern jungle trail, where all the animals fight for access and supremacy. We all take the dry level surface for granted, though of course this is a wholly artificial state of affairs, resulting from human ingenuity and application.

How humans from previous centuries would have been amazed not only by the sophistication of the system of roads and motorways, but also at the number and speeds of the mechanical contraptions travelling over them, often in long, frustrating, time-wasting queues, with all their attendant noise and fumes, far removed from the more 'natural' ones of an horse-drawn era.

We have become accustomed to physical speed - every one seems to be in a hurry to get somewhere other than where they are. This is likely to have had a profound psychological effect on the human species, encouraging dissatisfaction and impatience. Irritability seems to be the underlying emotion of all drivers, everyone thinking they are 'primus inter pares', having right of way and god help those who frustrate it.

Cyclists it must be said, often find themselves at the receiving end of these frustrations, as unavoidably they take up space on the road and travel at a speed determined by legs rather than engine. Unlike the driver who expends almost no energy to go faster or slower, to change direction, to go up or down or even to remain upright and fixed to the road, the cyclist works hard to do all of these.

Despite the former ease, it is amazing how reluctant drivers can be to turn the steering wheel or apply the brakes, and when forced to do so, often resulting in loud objection from horn or voice box. There is in every motorist it seems, an angry devil only too willing and eager to get out.

The last hundred years has been the epoch of the motorised vehicle. It has shrunk distance, encouraged travel and thus altered almost every aspect of social interaction, paradoxically actually making it worse.

People in metal boxes at speed do not relate so intimately with either fellow travellers or with the environment through which they pass. It is an introverted and selfish experience, focused not on a journey but on the destination, missing all that comes between. In going further and faster, the here and now is jettisoned for the there and then, which takes just as long in coming, if it ever does.

Better to travel less far, preferably on two wheels, and see and breathe the moment.

Motor Vehicle Red Lights